15 February, 2017



Market research is the process of collecting important data from buyers and customers of a product. RESEARCH Uruguay conducts market research to measure the level of customer satisfaction or to gather information about the industry and its competitors. We work with various types of techniques for market research, depending on the situation.

Types of Studies

  • Quantitative

    The quantitative research tries to determine the force of association or correlation between variables, the generalization and objectivation of the results through a sample to make inference to a population of which all sample proceeds. After the study of association or correlation pretends, in turn, to make causal inference that explains why things happen or not in a certain way.

  • Qualitative

    Qualitative research seeks to obtain information focused not so much on the behavior of consumers as on why (and also what and how) of that attitude. In other words, this type of research seeks to understand the nature and “quality” of a particular situation, event or attitude of the client.

  • The survey

    When the survey is verbal, the interview method is used, and when it is written the questionnaire is used, which consists of a document with a list of questions, which are made to the people to be surveyed.

  • Focus Group

    The focus group is to bring together a small group of people. In order to interview them and generate a discussion around a product, service, idea, publicity, etc. And thus obtain the information necessary for the investigation.

  • Mystery Shopper

    Mystery Shopper is a technique that consists of the false purchase or contracting of a service, in order to detect and evaluate a series of concrete variables defined previously. This model allows the detection and evaluation of service quality indices (treatment, efficiency, professionalism, etc.).

  • Personal Interviews

    Like the focus group, personal interviews include open and poorly structured questions. These interviews usually last about an hour and are usually recorded. Generally the results do not represent a large segment of the population; however, they provide very valuable information.

  • Observations

    Watching consumers in action by filming them in business, work or home, you can know their true buying behavior. This gives you a more defined picture of the usage habits and buying patterns of customers.
